Lawyer Marketing Success in 2021

You cannot buy engagement. You have to build engagement!

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As time has gone by, and we start to understand more the potential long-term impacts this crisis could have, we are still adapting and changing our approach to our marketing and new client acquisition. What we have found is that now is the opportunity…not to be reactive…but to continue to invest in the future and opportunities. We have compiled the following list of marketing tactics that could make all the difference in your firms growth in 2021.

Local Organic SEO: Local Organic SEO can make all the difference to drive potential customers searching for attorneys. Research shows that local search account for more than 65 percent of online searches. If you fail to optimize your website for local searches, your firm will miss by not showing up in basic Google searches. As the prevailing trend suggests, people will want faster results in 2021 when searching for local offerings, such as a Family Attorney or the Injury Lawyer. Search engines, especially Google, will focus more on the local searches to prioritize the firms. You can optimize your website for local searches by: • Applying Local Content and other Local SEO techniques to your website • Updating your Google My Business page • Creating additional Optimized Local Landing pages to your site • Convert your website to WordPress, Google can better crawl and index WP website

Mobile Optimization: Mobile is now the most preferred device for searches. Studies show that more than 85 percent of people use the mobile phone for conducting searches. It will help if you know that Google indexes your mobile site first, so it goes without saying that if you fail to optimize your website for mobile phones, your website’s rankings in search results will suffer. You need to make your website mobile-friendly to get better Google ranking for 2021. The advantage of having a mobile-friendly website spans beyond higher search engine rankings; it also enables your target customers to do searches easily.

User-Centric Optimization: SEO tactics will be all about user-experience in 2021. And you need to keep track of user activity such as when people come to your website? How they react? How long they stay there? Do they visit more pages other than your homepage? In 2021, you can expect Google to consider user-behavior as a significant component in its ranking criteria. And at the same time, traditional SEO tactics, like link building and content marketing, will also play a dominant role.

Google My Business & Local Listings: You need to make sure that you update your business profile on Google My Business page and all other local networks, local search engines and maps. These plays a key role when people look for your offerings locally. In 2021, you should look at Google My Business page and local listings as lead-gen tools. They enable your target customers to know your specific details, like your address, phone number. It also carries customer reviews, helping you not only to projecting your business but attract more leads.

Logo / Branding Design: The existing logo was a simple text logo using the name of the firm. The goal was to create a logo design that was simple yet professional in design. The end result was this elegant stacked version of the firm name that was tied together using the “M” as a focal point of the logo.

Voice Search: The trend of people doing voice searches is growing every day. According to studies, voice searches account for more than 25% of all searches and will be 50% in 2021. How will you address voice search when it comes to your SEO strategy for 2021? First, ensure your firm is indexed in all the tope voice databases like Seri, Google Assist, Bixby Alexa etc. Then, focus on optimizing long-tail keywords. For example, instead of using the search query– ‘Chicago “Lawyers” –, you can use– “best family lawyers in Chicago” which is a more conversational and relaxed query and helps substantially in local voice search.

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Lake Zurich, IL 60047